Showing posts with label Weekly Market Maker Cycle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekly Market Maker Cycle. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Taylor Trading Technique | Scott Hoffman

In my opinion, George Douglass Taylor was one of the greatest trading thinkers, and luckily he left behind one book on trading: 'The Taylor Trading Technique' (1950). This book lays out his 'Taylor Book Method' for swing trading in futures. Taylor postulated that the markets had patterns based on "market engineering" from the "powers that be" in the grain markets. These insiders would frequently cause prices to decline to set up a buying opportunity for themselves. Then, after the market rallied sufficiently to yield profit for these insiders, a short-term top was created to give them a selling opportunity. The market would sell off, and the cycle would start again. 
George Douglass Taylor was a grain trader in the 1940s and 1950s at the CBOT pit
and is credited original author of the 3 Day Cycle Short-Term Trading System.

The effect of this engineering was to amplify the natural rhythm of the market, creating false moves that would fool traders into buying when they should be selling, and vice versa. The thrust of the Taylor Technique is to identify this rhythm and take advantage of the "false moves". I have long maintained that if an individual could identify moves in the market that would serve to inflict the most pain on unwary traders then they would have a great trading system. I believe the Taylor Technique does that. Taylor created this method for the grain futures markets, but I find it equally applicable in the financial futures markets today. 
George Douglass Taylor’s system of short-term swing trading is based on the premise that the market moves in two to three day timeframes, moving from a low to a high and back to a low. The other important concepts are the importance of the previous day’s high and low, the length of upswings relative to downswings, and being a solely technical trader (ignoring fundamentals).

Cycle Day #1 – Buy Day
The first day of the cycle is the buying day. Look for a Buy Day two days after a swing high (the highest high of the past few days). On a Buy Day, look for the market to make its lows first, finding support around yesterday’s low. If the market opens flat to higher, look to buy the first sell off towards the previous low. If the market trades under yesterday’s low, be careful about going home long. The market should close higher than where it opened. If it is making new lows late in the day, it is usually best to exit. You can often get in the next day at a better price.
Cycle Day #1 - Buy Day

Generally, it’s good rule of thumb not to buy late in the day on a buy day if the market is heading lower or closing lower than where it opened. Odds favor a lower opening the next day, giving you a better enter price. Likewise, if the market is going to close lower than it opened, don’t be afraid to liquidate your position. Odds are in your favor that you’ll be able to buy at a lower price the next day.

Cycle Day #2 – Sell Day
If you are long and the market is closing in your favor, carry your long position overnight. Odds favor a higher opening the next day setting up the Sell Day, the second day of the cycle. On the Sell Day you should look to sell into strength, liquidating your position, and going home flat. Often, the sell day trades on both sides in what I call a 'fade' day. A fade day often follows a trend day and can be traded from either side.

 Cycle Day #2 - Sell Day

Cycle Day #3 – Sell Short Day
The third day of the cycle is the Sell Short Day. The Sell Short Day is the mirror image of the buying day. On a sell short day, you should be looking to sell early morning resistance, looking for resistance around the previous day’s high. The market should not be making highs late in the day, if it is you should be able to get a better entry point the next day. On a Sell Short Day, the market should close lower than it opened. The Sell Short Day is often followed by a 'Fade' day.
Cycle Day #3 - Sell Short Day.

That is the gist of Taylor’s technique - a rhythm of buy-sell-sell short. I don’t always recognize where we are in Taylor’s cycle (you’re always learning!), but on days when it is clear, at the least it gives you a good indication of the market’s bias for that day. In swing trading, the relation of the open to the close should indicate the direction of the next morning’s opening. This helps you determine whether the odds favor being a buyer or a seller on a given day.


Monday, June 17, 2024

The Market Makers Method | Jones Zondo

Price is a reflection of the number of transactions and the price paid for these transactions. A large number of transactions are required in order to shift price. The Forex market is said to trade about $4,000,000,000,000 [four trillion dollars] on average daily. The bulk of transactions are executed by large Warren Buffet institutions, and not by laptop traders such as ourselves.

 » A typical pattern of behavior particularly when analyzing the Three-Day Cycle is to be able
to identify a peak high followed by three moves down and a reversal which will form a peak low
. «

Market Maker ability to dominate the market is overwhelming. It costs roughly 10,000 Lots to move the market by 1 pip, with this in mind Market Makers have the ability to move the price at will and retail traders can’t. For a retail trader to truly succeed in Forex, you need to at least have a concept of this Mammoth process so that you will understand what is happening and why. Rather you adapt to trade with them instead of against them once we are done with the secrets. Once you realize that price is moved as a result of intention, logic decision and the idea that price is a product of emotional feeling (sentiments) of various traders is misguiding BS. Failure to realize this, your trade career will be emotion driven leaving you to react to every trade.

See also:

Friday, May 24, 2024

ICT Weekly Seek & Destroy Manipulation Profile | Michael J. Huddleston

 The Weekly 'Seek & Destroy' Range Manipulation Profile a.k.a. the 'Retail Traders Graveyard'.

The Weekly 'Seek & Destroy' Marker Maker Range Manipulation Template with either a bullish or a bearish Friday is a neutral or low probability market profile. The manipulation is taking place where price is consolidating Monday through Thursday, running shallow stops under and above the intra-week highs and lows, then runs the intra-week high/low and expands higher/lower into Friday. 
How to anticipate it? When the market is awaiting major news announcements in the second half of the week - especially after one or more directional wide-range weeks (see also the daily 'London Swing to Seek & Destroy' Template).

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Quarterly Theory - London and New York AM & PM Setups | Darya Filipenka

A 90 minute cycle either plays out as an AMD-X or as a X-AMD pattern:
A = Accumulation/Consolidation (required for a cycle to occur)
M = Manipulation/Expansion
D = Distribution/Expansion
X = Reversal or Continuation
Q1 dictates Q2, Q3 and Q4.
If Q1 accumulates (A), Q2 expands (M).
If Q2 accumulates (A), Q4 expands (D).
If Q1 expands, Q2 
accumulates, Q3 expands and Q4 accumulates.
If Q2 expands, Q3 
If Q2 expands, Q3 
If Asia expands, skip London, trade NY and skip the PM session.
If Asia consolidates, trade London, skip NY, then trade the PM Session.
London is more prone to make the high/low of the day whenever Asia consolidates. 
Anticipate price to run the high if you are bearish or the low if you are bullish.
Tuesday is more prone to make the high/low of the week whenever Monday consolidates.
Best trading days will have consolidation during the Asian Session.
Possible Quarterly Phase Transitions:
  • Accumulation → Expansion: The initial phase A often begins with Accumulation, where price movement remains within a narrow range. This will transition into an expansion phase M.
  • Expansion → Retracement or Reversal: Within the expansion phase, the market can either experience a retracement, where prices pull back temporarily before continuing in the same direction, or a reversal, where the trend changes direction entirely.
  • Retracement → Expansion or Reversal: A retracement, which involves a temporary pullback in prices, can be followed by either an expansion phase or a reversal, depending on how traders react to the retracement.
  • Reversal → Expansion or Retracement: Following a reversal, where the trend direction changes, the market can enter either an expansion phase or a retracement, as traders adapt to the new direction.
  • Expansion → Retracement → Another Leg Up/Down: After an expansion phase, a retracement may occur, followed by another price movement in the same direction, often resulting in another leg up or down in the overall trend.
  • Expansion → Reversal: In the expansion phase, a trend reversal can occur, leading to a shift in price direction.

Quarterly Phase Transitions:
  • Accumulation → Reversal: A direct transition from Accumulation to reversal is not likely, as Accumulation represents a phase of price stabilization, whereas reversal involves a significant change in trend direction.
  • Accumulation → Retracement: Similarly, a direct transition from Accumulation to retracement is unlikely, as Accumulation involves a range-bound price movement, while retracement implies a temporary pullback in an existing trend.
  • Accumulation → Expansion → Accumulation: After an expansion phase, transitioning directly back into another Accumulation is not a common occurrence. The expansion phase typically leads to further price movement or potential retracement/reversal.
  • Retracement → Reversal: Transitioning directly from a retracement to a reversal without an intermediate expansion phase is improbable, as retracement represents a temporary pause within a trend, whereas reversal involves a fundamental shift in trend direction.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Quarterly Theory vs S&P 500 | Week January 15 - 19

Time-price relations are fractal and governed by algorithms. The trading week comprises four time quarters (Q1-Q4): Q1 is Monday, Q2 Tuesday, Q3 Wednesday and Q4 Thursday. Friday has a special function and is not part of this cycle. The market maker's time-price algorithm generates two Q1-Q4 patterns: AMD - X and X - AMD in which Q1-Q4 have the following functions: A   =  Accumulation phase; M  =  Manipulation phase; D  =  Distribution phase and X  =  Continuation or Reversal phase. In the weekly AMD - X pattern Q1 Monday is the Accumulation phase. Q2 Tuesday is the Manipulation phase and the first Q2 price is the weeks True Open. Q3 Wednesday has the 'distribution function' and produces the weeks largest directional move. Q3 is easiest and best to trade. X Thursday continues or reverses the Q3 trend. In the weekly X - AMD pattern Q1 Monday is the X day, Q2 accumulates, Q3 manipulates and Q4 Thursday produces the week's largest directional move; easiest and best to trade.    
S&P 500 (4 hour bars)
The Monthly Cycle is comprised of four quarters, one week each. 
Q1 is the first full week of the month, Q2 the second week, etc.
Week January 15 - 19 (Mon-Fri) =
 Q2 week with Accumulation function and AMD - X day pattern. 
 S&P 500 (30 minute bars)
Each trading day comprises four six hour quarters (EST/New York):
Q1 - 18:00 - 00:00 Asia Session
Q2 - 00:00 - 06:00 London Session (first Q2 price = True Open)
Q3 - 06:00 - 12:00 New York AM Session
Q4 - 12:00 - 18:00 New York PM Session
The algorithm generates two Q1-Q4 session patterns:
AMD - X and X - AMD

Each six hour session comprises four 90 minute quarters (EST/New York):
Q1 - 18:00 - 19:30
Q2 - 19:30 - 21:00 (first Q2 price = True Open)
Q3 - 21:00 - 22:30
Q4 - 22:30 - 00:00
The algorithm generates two Q1-Q4 90 minute patterns:
AMD - X and X - AMD

Each 90 minute cycle comprises four  22.5 minute micro-quarters (EST/New York):
Q1 - 18:00 - 18:22:30
Q2 - 18:22:30 - 18:45 (first Q2 price = True Open)
Q3 - 18:45 - 19:07:30
Q4 - 19:07:30 - 19:30 
The algorithm generates two Q1-Q4 22.5 minute patterns:
AMD - X and X - AM

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Three Day Cycle & Parabolic Trade Setups | Stacey Burke

There are only three things price can do:
1. Breakout from a Range and Trend.
2. Breakout from a Range and Reverse.
3. Trading Range between Highs and Lows
 1. Structure / Pattern
  •  Do we have any larger geometrical patterns?
  •  Head and Shoulders / Sell (Reverse Head and Shoulders / Buy)
  • Descending Triangle (Sell) Ascending Triangle (Buy)
  • Double Bottoms (Buy), Double Tops (Sell)
  • Rectangles (Continuation / Reversal)
  • Helps us identify geometric patterns for potential measured move profit targets for asymmetrical risk / reward.
I am mainly focused on horizontal ranges no matter what the geometrical pattern is. (The high and the low of the structure, typically this will be numbered “boxes” of 25-50-100 pips.) Numbers are horizontal. I DON’T TRADE DIAGONAL TREND LINE BREAKS.

2. High of the Day (HOD) / Low of the Day (LOD)
Where is the high, where is the low? There is a high and a low that the market is trading inside of. The market is either in a consolidation or a break out. The current HOD and LOD may be inside of a larger rectangle.

3. Timings
My focus is on the 3 hour window. 1 hour before the equity markets open, the hour of the equity markets open, and the hour after the equity markets open. Hence 12 - 15 minute candles.
  • ASIA 8-11 pm NY EST
  • EUR / LONDON 2-5 am NY EST
  • NEW YORK 8-11 am NY EST
This allows me to have laser-like focus for some simple recurring setups that occur frequently enough for selling, buying or trend trading setups. This repeatable cycle is recurring in all three 12 candle windows. Whether or not the range, the pattern and a good risk / reward trade setup is in each window is unpredictable.

4. Round Numbers
Typically these trades will come off of round numbers, specifically 00’s and 50’s. The quarter levels, 25 and 75 will often be a “stop hunt” extension of a 50 or 00 trading box.

5. Price Behaviour for Trade Setups
I look for engulfments and pin hammers. These can be “with trend” trades, or reversals, for stop hunts or in a trading range.I look to ENTER the majority of my trades “AT OR NEAR” number, i.e. 25, 50, 75, 00. Sometimes I may limit order these trades, others I may just get filled at market.

• “M” PATTERNS - TYPE 1,2,3
• “W” PATTERNS - TYPE 1,2,3

6. Risk Management / Profit Targets
My average STOP LOSS is 1 ATR. For most of the pairs it will be 20 pips. The GBPAUD, GBPNZD may be 25. Depending on the level of volatility on the day, on the pair, it may be a bit more or less give or take. Typically though, I am looking for a 1 bar stop. Position sizing can depend on the type of setup, and the size of stop loss.

The minimum PROFIT TARGET is usually 50 pips. Sometimes a market may hit a previous day’s high or low, or the current day’s high or low, OR SIGNIFICANT ROUND NUMBERS, 00, 50, and the market may stop there. I may only be up 40 pips. When those levels are prominent, it may be necessary to adjust that target on the day, based on HOW PRICE BEHAVES when it gets to those levels. Other trades (Measured Moves) may be in the area of 50-75 or a 100 or more pips. Again, depending on the setup and how that pair is trading on the day.

7. Trade Management / Self Management
Once I am in the trade, I will fight every urge that I have to interfere with it. I review the trade setup and thesis that I have for the trade. I monitor the behaviour initially based on my thesis. I will typically leave the screen, or watch, and monitor myself, self talk, do meditation, and possibly review the other pairs to identify any other setups.
I will normally NOT ADJUST my stop loss to BREAK EVEN UNTIL, the market has broken a high or low boundary, ( I wait for the 15 min candle to close) OR it has CLOSED 30 pips or more, breaking into the next quarterly range. At 40 pips, depending on if the market has moved (fast or creeping) I will potentially look to LOCK IN 40 pips if the market has “two-sided” trading occurring near my profit target. So, to clarify, if it has spent 30 minutes near my target without hitting it, I will be watching closely to “LOCK IN” profits, in case the market is preparing to reverse. When you are up 40 pips, YOU NEED TO GET PAID.
Quoted from:
 Dump & Pump Pattern.

 Pump & Dump Pattern.
Stacey Burke - Three Day Trading Setups.
Aksel Kibar - Type 1 Breakout: Breakout NOT followed by Pullback.
Aksel Kibar - Type 2 Breakout: Breakout followed by Pullback.

Aksel Kibar - Type 3 Breakout: Breakout followed by hard Re-Test of Pattern Boundary.
And then there is the so called 'Failed Breakout' when price fails to continue
moving in the breakout's direction and instead reverses course.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

S&P 500

S&P 500 (monthly bars - quarterly, monthly ranges) 

S&P 500 (weekly bars - quarterly, monthly, weekly ranges)
  Five weeks of rise. Move above July 27, 2023 quarterly high makes last quarter of 2023 
an Outside Quarter Range (as in NDX and DJI already). March 27, 2022 high next quarterly level.

S&P 500 (daily bars - monthly, weekly, daily ranges)
 Most recent example of outside quarterly reversal in January 2022; to the downside:
quarterly levels breached, daily and weekly reversals triggered. 
89.8% of S&P 500 stocks above 20 day moving average.
 Dec 4 (Mon) Moon at apogee and Mercury at  greatest elongation east (previous examples HERE).
Third lunar quarter starting Dec 5 (Tue). Tuesday to Friday major red news.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

US Stock Indexes | Shallow Retracement Into Early-Mid-December Now Likely

Dow Jones Industrial Average (weekly bars)

Dow Jones Industrial Average (daily bars)
Monthly weekly and daily trends are up. 

S&P 500 (weekly bars)

S&P 500 (daily bars)
Eleven days, three levels and nearly 6 * ATR above the re-accumulation low of November 9.

Nasdaq 100 (weekly bars) 

Nasdaq 100 (daily bars) 

CBOE Volatility Index (monthly bars). Very close to multi-year lows.

SPX Put/Call Ratio = 1.63 for Nov 24 2023.
 Seth Golden (Nov 25, 2023):
The Trifecta of Overbought Conditions:
92% of SPX above 20-DMA, highest in 2+ yrs
McClellan Oscillator > 80+
S&P 500 2 std. above 50-DMA (RSI also 70+)
Four weeks+ of price expansion beyond daily, weekly and quarterly levels. Last week narrow daily and weekly ranges. Multi-month inflation melt-up? Possible. Allen Reminick suggests a creep up into November 27 (Mon) or December 1 (Fri) followed by some rather shallow 23-50% move down into December 8 or mid-month, some X-mas rally, sideways into January 12 and up into March-April 2024. Possible. [ Allen Reminick (Nov 20, 2023) - S&P 500 Projection Into June 2024 ]
See also: